Fusion New 2 Soccer Program

Players 5-9 Years of Age

BringING the excitement to THOSE NEW TO THE SPORT!!!

We Want to Get More Kids Playing Soccer!  The New 2 Soccer program returns to Richmond!

If your child has never played before or wants to start again?  This program is perfect for you!  

The sessions will be led by Fusion’s coaching staff who will ensure every player gets lots of touches on the ball and has fun.  Through activities and game play the children will gain confidence in a positive learning environment and perhaps fall in love with the game just as we have!

Come out and meet new friends, try a new sport and enjoy being in a positive space for all.

Fusions New Two Soccer Program Summer Details Will be Releasing Soon...


  • Richmond Olympic Oval Fields (6111 River Road, Richmond)


  • TBA

Program Fees ::
